
Ensures Precise Delivery of Coating

Masking Enables Precision Powder Coating and Wet Spraying Results

When it comes to creating precise surface treatments, the process of masking holds a pivotal role. This technique, which involves selectively covering parts of a product to keep them free from coating, is instrumental in achieving precision and quality during powder coating and wet spraying.

At Defence Coating Systems, this process is not just a step in the procedure but an intricate art that enables the delivery of superior results. This is why we focus on educating about the importance of masking as part of the powder coating and wet spraying process.

The following sections delve into what masking is, its process, and the various techniques employed by DCS to ensure that each project upholds the highest standards of excellence.

Masking exposes only specific areas on a part's surface for treatment.


Masking exposes only specific areas on a part's surface for treatment.


What is Masking

Masking is a crucial part of the surface treatment and coating process. It involves strategically covering certain sections of a product to protect them from the abrasive blasting or coating process.

In the context of metal finishing operations, masking is an essential technique in which only specific areas on a part's surface that need to be coated are exposed to those treatments.

Masking Preserves Aesthetics And Functionality


The Masking Process

The masking process at DCS typically follows the pre-treatment stage. This careful application ensures that subsequent coating stages only affect the desired areas, safeguarding essential features and guaranteeing the functionality of the final product.

After coating, masking materials are precisely removed to protect the coated surface. The outcome is a product with a precise, high-quality coating, applied exactly where it is needed.

Project Requirements Inform The Masking Techniques We Employ


Masking Techniques

DCS employs a variety of masking techniques. Each technique offers its own advantages, and the choice depends on the nature of the part and the coating process involved. These include tape, plug, cap, custom and liquid masking.

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